Monday, July 20, 2009


Are uncontrolled experiments. Too many unknown variables (Water, soil, drainage, nutrients, pot size, insects, temperature, species, mood...! ) in too complex a system composed of too many parts and too many materials and chemicals (it is a Plant).

It is comforting that I have better control in the clean room. Known, controlled variables of humidity, temperature (and you name it) in a simple system, heck, a simple element (silicon!) or compound (Gallium Arsenide).

But if my plant starts dying, I can look up the Internet for tips to further try to manage this complex system. If the device I make dies, I scratch my head. And scratch my head. Gardeners across the world are smarter than this PhD student.


test said...

umm lets also consider how many years and years gardeners have had to fine tune their technique and how old is the technology that you are working on!!
Hang in there!!

Suraj Barkale said...

Plants are intelligent,
they take care of themselves.
You need Sentient Silicon.

Chhaya said...

what particular specimen is causing all this trauma ???

Lotstodo said...

Hi Chhaya,

I wish I could say it was just one specimen, but the specimen changes every month! It is a conspiracy, I tell you :-(